Celebrating Success
Here at Orton Wistow Primary School, we recognise that success comes in all different shapes and sizes! We celebrate the children's achievements in school in the Achievements section of the newsletter and website.
Many of the children, however, are also achieving things outside of school. We would like to recognise these successes too.
It might be that your child has passed a music or dance exam, gained a karate belt, starred in a show, volunteered, taken part in a sporting event, or done something that they didn't think was possible!
If you would like to share your child's achievements with us so that we can celebrate their success, please complete the Celebrating Success form. Contributions will be considered for inclusion in upcoming editions of the newsletter.
We look forward to hearing about your children's extracurricular achievements!
Celebrating Success this week!
This child in Foundation Stage took part in a Mini Street Dance show on Saturday 12th March at the Cresset. It was her first time on stage, and she loved it. A fantastic achievement - well done!
This child in Year 1 moved up to stage 3 in his swimming lessons at Vivacity on 02/04/2022. Great work - congratulations!
This child from Year 3 took part in the Peterborough Championship Series. It was his first big competition, but he managed to get on the mats and give it a go and was rewarded with a 3rd place trophy. Super effort - well done!
This child in Year 1 has just completed Stage 2 in his swimming lessons. He’s worked really hard to complete the last few manoeuvres in this stage and will be joining his new Stage 3 class next week. Fantastic news - congratulations!
Congratulations to Amelie from Year Six. Her poem about Covid was entered into the Peterborough Poet Laureate competition 2022. She received a reply from the Peterborough Poet Laureate Manager with some fantastic feedback:
"Unfortunately, the role is for adults, so you're a bit too young. But we loved your poem so much that we'd like to invite you to read one of your poems at the final of the competition on the 25th March and share your talents with an audience."
Amelie took part in this event and read her poem, which is a great achievement. Congratulations!