FOWS Update 17.06.22
By Mrs Francis, FOWS
The Summer Fayre
The FOWS team are busy getting everything ready for the summer fayre next week - we hope you are all looking forward to coming along. For those who haven't been before (or just need a reminder!) we wanted to tell you a little about what to expect!
The fayre will be positioned on the main playground, the one that is used at breaktimes by FS up to Year 4. There will also be a few stalls on the field - be sure to head over and see these stalls too! A cafe will be running outside, between the Year 2 and Year 3 classrooms. We will be selling hotdogs, cakes, ice creams, and various drinks (including Pimms!)
Start Time
The fayre doesn't officially start until 3.30pm - this is because the majority of our stalls are run by staff, who have to send their classes out at the end of the day, then come onto the playground and get their stalls ready. So once you've collected your child(ren), please give staff 15 minutes before you approach their stalls! Some people use this time to pop home and return, but many like to stay and be there from the start!
Raffle Tickets
Please return your raffle ticket stubs and money to school as soon as possible, the top three prizes for the raffle are:
- £100 cash
- £50 M&S voucher
- Google Nest mini
There are many other prizes to win - see our Facebook or Twitter page for the full list. Why not try selling some tickets to friends and family? More tickets are available from the school office.
The raffle will be drawn by Mr Eardley at 5.15pm, where we will also announce other winners, such as Guess the Name of the Teddy, and How Many Sweets in the Jar?
The School Choir Performance
The school choir will be performing at 4.30pm in the playground - this is their first performance, and it would be wonderful for them to have a supportive audience, so even if your child isn't involved, please pause at that time and listen to their singing.
Silent Disco
We are also running, for the first time, a Silent Disco! This will be in the Flamingoes classroom. See the posters at the fayre for the timings on the different sessions for this.
Other Stalls
Lots of the old favourite stalls will be back - we're especially looking forward to the return of the Human Fruit Machine and of course Mr Eardley's Pound in a Bucket, but we also have some new stalls this year - try your hand at the Wheel of Fortune or see whether you are able to Splat the Rat!
Thank you!
A huge thank you in advance to all the staff for their help in running the stalls at the fayre, and a huge thank you to our volunteers who've been busy getting things organised for weeks, the summer fayre wouldn't be able to happen without this support.
Finally, we hope you enjoy the return of the summer fayre - it feels great to be back, keep your fingers crossed for sunshine!
Photo by Marco Bianchetti on Unsplash