Dear Parents and Carers,
After working at Orton Wistow for as long as I have, it got to a point where I would rarely be doing things for the first time. After taking on the Headship, it feels like I am experiencing ‘first times’ every day, and it feels as if this is my first ‘regular’ newsletter as Head after the last two being slimmed down due to the sad passing of the Queen.
It has been a very positive start to the new school year and I couldn’t be prouder of the hard work and attitude I have seen from all the children. They have settled well into their new classes and on a daily basis I am seeing children demonstrating the learning tools, following the PRIDE code and making the most of their lessons. I have spent some time in all the classes this past week and have been impressed with the quality of teaching & learning happening in all years.
Golden Rules
In my first assembly, we discussed our aspirations for the coming year and shared some of our goals. We also looked at the new Golden Rules and the children made some excellent contributions, especially around why each rule was important. Please ask your children about them.
Foundation Stage Curriculum Evening
On Wednesday 7th September we had our annual Foundation Stage Curriculum Evening and this was attended by the parents of our youngest and newest cohort in the school. Miss Porter and Mrs McIntosh shared some important and useful information about their curriculum, and it was a chance for the parents to hear about how they can support their child’s learning at home.
Years 1 - 6 Curriculum Evening
On Wednesday 5th October we will have our curriculum evening for the rest of the school (Years One to Six) and we hope to see many of you there. The focus for this will be around how you can help your child at home with their learning and the event will be similar to the Transition Evening, with separate year group sessions either side of a main presentation to everyone in the hall. Further details of this event can be found later in the newsletter and a link to the booking form will be sent home on Monday (26th).
Other Events
We are hoping for a year when we can return to all those important ‘extras’ we organise at OWPS and so far we have had the Foundation Stage Curriculum Evening, Tempest individual photos, Year Six Family Learning and Jeans 4 Genes day! Next week, a group of our Year Five children will be going on their residential to Hilltop (one of my favourite trips) and I know the staff going are looking forward to a few exciting days in Norfolk! Although I think some are a little nervous about the ‘High-Ropes’ activity!
This Week's Questions
Some of you may remember a programme called ‘Are you smarter than a ten-year-old?’ Each time I write the newsletter I plan to share with you a selection of questions that have been asked in school that week. They will cover different subjects and be from varying year groups each time, and you can test yourself to see if you are smarter than an OWPS pupil! This week’s questions are:
1. What was Christopher Columbus famous for? (Year 2 ‘Explorers’ topic)
2. Why did the Romans leave sunny Italy to invade cold, rainy Britain? (Year 4 ‘Romans’ topic)
3. Is ten million larger than 9,999,999? How do you know? (Year Six ‘In Focus’ maths question)
Good luck!
Staff News
And finally, I have some very happy news to share with you all. Mrs Fidgett is pregnant and her baby is due in January! We are all very pleased for Mrs Fidgett and her family, and we wish them all well.
I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.
Kind regards
Mr. Marks
Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash