Dear Parents/Carers,
After the triumph of two brilliant Sports Days last week, another week has passed by, leaving us with only 14 school days left. I am convinced that every year, the school term seems to get quicker and quicker because we try and provide so many different opportunities for our pupils, which just seems to make the days fly by.
History Off The Page
On Monday, Y1 had a wonderful visit to ‘The Seaside’ delivered by History off the Page. These visits are extremely valuable in enriching the curriculum for many of the children and really help to ‘bring things to life’. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the enjoyment on the faces of the children as they took part in a range of activities and finished their visit with a traditional Punch and Judy show. Thank you to all the additional adults, who gave up their time to come in and support this event. We hope you enjoyed it too!
Transition Days
Next week, all the children will spend two transition days in their new classes as part of our preparations for the new academic year. On Wednesday 3rd July, the children will find out their new classes and teachers, which always causes great excitement! On this day, children are to arrive at school as normal and will leave from their current year group classroom. On Thursday 4th July, children will arrive at school and go straight to their new classroom and are to be collected at the end of the day from their new classroom too. Many of our current Y6 children will visit their new secondary schools on the same dates. Further details about this will be sent out to you all separately.
I would like to wish you all a lovely weekend and hope that the sunshine stays - fingers crossed!
Miss R Tansley
Director of Learning
Photo by Aleksandr Eremin on Unsplash