Dear parents and carers,
As we edge ever closer to Christmas, with decorations and trees adding cheer to the building, here at Orton Wistow we are mindful of the distractions that this can cause to some of our pupils.
Your children’s education is key to their success as they move through their primary school journey. We will continue to work hard all the way up to the end of the term. Yes, there will be Christmas Jumper days, Christmas dinners, and festive treats to look forward to in these final couple of weeks, but continuing our school routines has proven to be the most effective for our children.
EYFS Nativity
I had the pleasure of introducing and watching the Early Years Nativity this week. It was a spectacular event. Thank you to all the parents and family members who turned up to watch the play. Another reminder about keeping any photos and videos private and not to share them on social media – many thanks.
The children were amazing, with their singing, acting and speaking. Considering they are only 4 or 5 years old; they performed confidently on stage. Well done to all the children in Early Years.
Year 2 trip to the New Theatre
Our year 2 children had an exciting morning on Wednesday, when they visited the New Theatre to watch The Snowman and Snowdog. This was a live orchestra on stage playing to the film, shown in the background. What a curious but mesmerising experience. The children (and adults) had a fabulous time.

Have a lovely weekend
Mr T Goakes
Photo by Marina Dina on Unsplash