Dear parents and carers,
Lovely to see a bit of sunshine this week and a few bulbs are adding that first touch of colour to what seems to have been a very grey February! Our first week of the new half term has been a positive and busy one.
Trust Review Day
On Tuesday we had some special visitors in school to look at OWPS in action. The Trust has organised a review day for the three schools to help us get some outside perspective on how we all work. They spent the day speaking with leaders, staff and pupils and looked at EYFS, phonics, reading, maths, PE and SEND provision across the school. They all spoke very positively about what they had seen and one reviewer (a headteacher from another primary school) said that this was the first school they had seen for quite some time that they would be very happy to send their own children to, a lovely thing for all of us to hear. It was a very useful experience as all the reviewers gave us some things to think about in terms of next steps and how to build upon the good things already happening in school. They all commented on the good learning behaviours they saw across the school, well done to all the children, you demonstrated the PRIDE Code in style.
Open Afternoon Event - Tuesday 25th March
We would like to invite you in to school on the 25th March to allow your children to show you the work they have completed so far this year. As we do online parents evening appointments, it is important you have a chance to come and look through your children's books. A form will be sent home soon asking you to let us know if you are going to attend and your child's class teacher will make sure their books are ready for you in the classroom. It will happen straight after school and classrooms will remain open until 4.00pm. All children's books will be available and their teacher will be in the classroom if you wanted to say hello. We are also planning another exciting event related to our focus on art and music this year in school. Our 'Every Child an Artist' event will take place in the Summer term and further details about this will be shared with you later this year.
World Book Day - Friday 7th March
We are all very excited for our World Book Day event in school next week. Although the official day is the 6th, we are celebrating this event on Friday 7th so it doesn't clash with some other things happening in school next week. Children and staff (and parents if you would like to!) are invited to dress up as a character from a book and there will be a range of fun reading and book-related activities happening throughout the day.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash