Dear Parents and Carers
The sun has made a welcome appearance this week, and we even managed to get onto the field a couple of times at lunchtime. It's the penultimate week of the Spring term, and we have seen some lovely things happening across the school.
Year Three Family Learning
It was great to see so many parents and other family members of children in the Seals and Nightingales come into school yesterday to spend an hour with the children. Mr. Newton and Miss. Strike had prepared a session on times tables and this is a perfect subject for a family learning session as it is something that can be practiced anywhere. Knowing your times tables can be a huge advantage in many areas of maths and although we aim for children to be secure at the end of Year Four, it is a focus throughout the school.
A Sad Goodbye
This week, Mrs. Phillips interviewed for a new job and was successful! She will be teaching music at a prep school near Loughborough, starting in September. Many of you will know that Mrs. Phillips has a real passion for music and singing and this is a wonderful opportunity for her. She will remain as the Pandas class teacher until the end of the academic year. Congratulations Mrs. Phillips!
Teach East Students
We fully support teacher training at Orton Wistow Primary School, and we have developed strong links with several SCITT (School Centered Initial Teacher Training) courses including Teach East that is based in Peterborough. We say goodbye this week to Mr. Crowson, who has been with the Iguanas this term and Mrs Mahmood, who has been with the Seals. They have both had successful placements with us, and we wish them the best of luck for the next step in their training. We have already welcomed back Miss. Harris who is based in the Elephants class and next week we will see the return of Miss. Carters, who is with the Nightingales and Miss. King, who is with the Sharks. All three had positive Autumn terms with us and I know the children and staff will be pleased to see them return ready to complete their training with us in the Summer term.
Are you smarter than a Wistow pupil?
Good luck answering this set of questions that have been asked in Year Six this week:
- What does the 2 represent in 234, 509? (Year Six maths)
- Why is the circulatory system called the circulatory system? (Year Six science)
- Why are/were the women from Hidden Figures inspirational? (Year Six history/English)
Have a lovely weekend everyone,
Mr Marks
Photo by ekrem osmanoglu on Unsplash