Friday 28th April 2023

Mr Marks, The Headteacher, writes.....
Dear parents and carers,
I hope you have all had another good week. Easter now seems a long time ago! We have had another packed five days in school.
Honours Award - Concentration
On Tuesday fourteen children, one from each class, received an Honours Award for demonstrating excellent concentration skills in school. Five of our honours awards are linked to the learning tools (Resilience, Perseverance, Teamwork, Concentration and Responsibility) and staff continue to work on helping all the children to develop these tools that will help them in and out of school. We are considering changing the reasons for some of the Honours Awards next year to recognise other areas of school life children can shine in. I will keep you updated on these changes when we have decided.
Grafham Water - Year Four residential
It was lovely to see so many excited Year Four children arrive at school on Wednesday morning, ready to head off to Grafham Water for three days. Having been on this trip before, I know they will have had a brilliant time. It is a packed three days, full of exciting activities on and off the water. Grafham Water is under half an hour away and is a great place to visit throughout the year. I grew up in a village just down the road from there and spent a lot of time cycling around the reservoir and making the most of the activities they had to offer. I fully recommend a visit if you have not been there before.
Are you smarter than an OWPS Pupil?
Good luck answering the following questions that have been asked in school this week:
- What is the present progressive tense? Can you give an example? (Y6 GPS)
- How have scientists' models of planetary movement changed over time? (Y5 Science)
- What is 4/12 as a decimal number? (Y6 Maths)
I hope you all have a great long weekend! See you back in school on Tuesday 2nd May.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash