Our Governors
The Local Governance Committee at OWPS
Local School Governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. No special qualifications are required, but enthusiasm, commitment, and an interest in education are important qualities to bring to a governor post.
The Local Governance Committee is a committee of OWN Trust and as such has a legal responsibility to conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school.
Local Governors work in partnership with the Headteacher and other school staff, Trustees, the Trust central team, and the CEO, to promote high standards of educational achievement at the school.
Orton Wistow has a thriving, active Local Governance Committee that works in close partnership with the staff to ensure the continued success of the school. Our Local Governance Committee is made up of a diverse group of people who perform different roles. To discover more about the Orton Wistow Local Governance Committee, please see the Local Governing Body Member Details.
The Local Governance Committee meets regularly throughout the school year.
Types of Governors in a Multi-Academy Trust
Parent Governors
Parent governors are elected by and from the parents of registered pupils at the school. The school will advise parents when there are vacancies.
Staff Governors
Staff governors are elected by the staff at the school. They cease to hold office when they cease to work at the school. At Orton Wistow Primary School the Headteacher has chosen to be a governor.
MAT Governors
These appointments are made at MAT schools to represent the local community and can include parents of children at the school. MAT Schools can advise when the next vacancy will occur and can register interests. They must have the skills required to contribute to the effectiveness of the governing body
Associate Members
Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote. They should be appointed because of specific expertise and experience that they can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
OWN Trust Information
For more details about Governance, Members and Trustees, please click on the following links to visit the OWN Trust website:
Governance including
- Memorandum of Association
- Articles of Association
The Governance Handbook
The Governance handbook is guidance from the Department for Education (‘the department’). It sets out the government’s vision and priorities for effective school and trust governance by:
- outlining the core role and functions of the governing board
- summarising and providing the first point of reference on all the legal duties on boards, signposting to more detailed information, guidance, and resources
- providing information on the support available to boards to be effective.
The Governance Handbook is available to download below.