Friday 14th June 2024
Mrs Fidgett, the Director of Learning, writes....
As another week comes to a close, it feels as though we are hurtling our way to the end of the year already. Year 4 have now completed their multiplication check and the KS1 Phonics Screening is also done, well done to all involved. We’re now working hard behind the scenes to ensure the transition to new classes and teachers is a smooth and happy one for all of our children. In the meantime, we have a number of events taking place in school over the next week to look forward to.
Sports Day
Usually, at this stage of the year, we are seeking out the shadiest places in school to cool down or we are considering how to make sure we stay hydrated during outdoor activities. With KS2 Sports Day approaching next Tuesday and FS/KS1 on Friday, I’m deciding if an extra layer to warm up this year might be required! We look forward to welcoming you into school to spectate; bring your trainers and ‘A-Game’ for the parents’ race! Further information regarding the day features in this newsletter. In the event of adverse weather conditions, please note that the reserve Key Stage 2 Sports day is Tuesday 25th June and the reserve for KS1 Sports Day is Friday 28th June.
I hope you all have a good weekend, the Year 6’s returning from residential should be in for a restful night!
Mrs Fidgett
Director of Learning