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Friday 11.10.24

Mr Marks, the headteacher, writes....

Dear parents and carers,

Yet another busy week at Orton Wistow Primary School has flown by, and we are about to reach the penultimate week of this half-term already. I gave our second group of potential new parents for September 2025 a tour of the school this week and taking them through the classes made me feel proud of all the pupils and staff who were engaged in the learning and modelling the PRIDE Code. 

OWPS Football

Last Friday we had our first competitive matches of the season against Woodston Primary School. Our boys and girls football teams played and both won 4-1! This was a great start and I know Mr. Cowles and Mr. Newton are feeling confident about our chances of another successful year. 

Parents Evenings

Teachers are looking forward to meeting with you all in the last week of half-term for the Autumn term parent consultations. Information about this has been sent home today, and you can find the details of how to book a time in the email. As the children will have only been in school for about six weeks, the focus of this meeting will be on how they have settled into their new class and how they are getting on with the learning covered so far this term. 


The Friends Of Wistow School held their AGM this week, and I am very happy to let everyone know that Mrs. Wilkins has stepped up to become the new Chair. Jo Watson attended the meeting and handed over this role, thanking the team and staff for all their hard work whilst she had held the position. At the moment, we are looking at having to slim down the Christmas Fair this year as we have fewer volunteers to help FOWS. Staff will continue to play their part in making these events a success, but if any of you would like to join the team please contact the school or speak to an existing member of FOWS. 

Looks like we are in for a chilly weekend! I hope you all enjoy it and I shall see you back in school on Monday.

Mr. Marks 

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash