Friday 13th November 2020
Mr Eardley, the Head Teacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers
After a strange first week back with some children and staff having to self-isolate, it was lovely to have everyone back this week. There is definitely a feeling in school that we have all settled into the routines that have to be in place this year. I think as far as the children are concerned, most of what we are doing each day looks like a normal school day with some tweaks around the edges. The reality for staff is quite different and I am, as always, grateful that they have worked so hard behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly.
With the introduction of the national lockdown, we have moved to virtual staff meetings which are working well. Our recent meetings have really made me realise just how much is going on in school. Our three Working Parties (Staff/Pupil Wellbeing, Outdoor Learning, STEM) have all started on their plans for this year and we have some exciting things on the horizon.
Our other Working Party, which looks at English, has also been busy thinking about how we can continue to promote reading in school and at home. It has been great to see so many children show me their Bronze Reading Certificates and the Year 2 children I spoke to could hardly control their excitement that they will get an extra special treat with me if they get all six certificates this year. One screamed, ‘What is it?’ whilst jumping on the spot. All I could say is that it is extra special!
I know that some parents can feel disgruntled if they get a message to say that we would like them to read to/with their child more regularly and we are sometimes told that they do, it just hasn’t been written in the diary. We always tell you that the diary is our only proof/evidence that reading takes place at home. If it isn’t written down we won’t know it has happened. We have also explained what the numerous benefits are to children if they read regularly and that we expect this to happen 5 times a week at home. We want our new systems to work because ultimately, it is the children who will benefit. There is always a bit of tweaking to be done when we introduce something new and I know that Mrs Edwards is already thinking about this.
On another reading-related topic (and a welcome change from talking about Covid), this week we were so excited to unveil Bookworm Word, our new outdoor reading area. I know that it is already a hit with the Year 5&6 children who are looking for a quiet place at break and lunchtime. The Peterborough Telegraph have visited us to see Bookworm Wood and the new library mural so please keep your eyes peeled when they publish their articles.
Finally, although personally, I’d be happy to leave thinking about Christmas until mid-December (‘Bah humbug!’), we don’t take the same approach in school. Plans are well underway for Christmas decorations and the Foundation Stage nativity. We also have a couple of lovely treats up our sleeves which I know the children are going to love.
Very best wishes,
Simon Eardley
Photo by zero take on Unsplash