Friday 11th June 2021
Mr Marks, the Deputy Head Teacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Hard to believe we have been back a week already! It has flown by. To be fair, most weeks in a primary school have a habit of doing that as there is always a lot going on! The children, once again, have hit the ground running after the break and it feels like we are all making the most of this final half-term of the year.
Most days I spend some time on the playground and field at lunchtime. It is a good opportunity to catch up with staff and speak to lots of children (and is a welcome break from my office on some days!). Although there are times when things go wrong on the playground and children make poor choices, I am more often than not blown away by the friendly and positive atmosphere that is created by children and staff following the PRIDE code and looking out for each other. Watching the boys and girls play football, they are clapping each other, stopping the games if someone is hurt and demonstrating good sportsmanship throughout each game. Other children are sitting in circles, chatting or playing games such as duck, duck, goose and others are making the most of the play equipment that is being made available. Midday supervisors can have a tough job at times. It is an hour in the day, very different to the rest of a school day and some children find the lack of structure difficult to handle. The hard work of the midday supervisors, following the school's positive behaviour policy, taking care of all 412 children and providing support through games, equipment and variety is making a huge difference. A positive lunchtime leads to a positive afternoon in class!
We are all now waiting for the next Covid update, coming on Monday and to see what impact this may have on schools. As always, if there are any changes to how we are running things currently in school we will keep you all up to date.
Fingers crossed for more good weather, looks like the weekend could be a warm one. Make the most of it everyone.
Mr Marks
Deputy Head Teacher
Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash