FOWS News 17.01.25
By Hannah Bass, Secretary of FOWS
Keep up to date with the latest news at Orton Wistow Primary
By Hannah Bass, Secretary of FOWS
Last week, a group of children from Year 4 went to Laxton Primary School, Oundle to take part in a maths challenge competition. The children worked really hard at different challenges, such as Roman numeral puzzles and using different numbers to find the calculations with an answer of 24 (a bit like on countdown). They used lots of the toolkit as they worked through the challenges including resilience and perseverance and represented Orton Wistow superbly, following the pride code. Miss Marchant was very proud of them, and they were very pleased with their cookie/ cake snack even though we didn't win.
Platform 1, the school's breakfast and after-school club, has asked for some donations.
They are currently seeking items such as:
Anything you can donate (new or gently used) will be put to good use to keep the kids entertained and learning.
Thank you for your generosity and support.
Photo by Stephen Harlan on Unsplash
Thank you to everyone that came to the Year 2 Christmas production. We appreciate all of your support!
We were extremely proud of all the children, how they displayed the PRIDE code throughout the production and how well they did learning their lines and all of the songs.
All of us enjoyed learning about different Christmas traditions from around the world.
Well done Year 2!
Congratulations to the following children who were chosen to receive the Whole Autumn Term Honours Award.
By Jemma Wilkins, FOWS Chair
The Foundation Stage children visited Peterborough Museum as part of the 'Ourselves' topic, learning about our homes and those from the past. They enjoyed hearing the story of The Tiger who came to tea and looking at the 1950's kitchen resources. The children then visited the Victorian kitchen where they used a mangle and carpet beater and talked about how lots of the kitchen equipment has changed over time. The museum staff were impressed at the children's knowledge as well as being amazed at how well they behaved during the day.
Photo by David Ramírez on Unsplash
Nursery Rhyme Nativity was proudly performed by the Foundation Stage children to the school and their parents. Learning the songs started in October, initially using a backing track and then moving onto the children being able to remember the words and to come in at the right time. There were weekly rehearsals to allow the children to develop their confidence and remember when it was their time to come onto stage and to say their words. It was amazing to see how well they did, despite being the youngest children in the school. When they performed to the school, it was the first time they had been into the hall for an assembly. They were amazing and it was lovely to see so many happy faces in the audience when the parents came to watch. Happy Christmas!
By Hannah Bass, Secretary of FOWS
On Wednesday 11th December, the OWPS Choir went to Notcutts to perform some of the songs that we have been learning this term. The children represented the school brilliantly, and sang beautifully. They've been working very hard on aspects of their singing, trying to enunciate the words clearly, and include some dynamics and shaping into their songs. They were absolute stars and really enjoyed the performance. Thank you to those who came along to watch us - it was wonderful to have such a supportive audience. In the final week of term we will be visiting Napier Place and singing to the residents there.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Last week, Year 2 went to the New Theatre to watch the Snowman and the Snowdog in concert. Myself and Mrs Khan were so proud of the children during this trip. They followed the PRIDE code and represented the school really well. The children loved singing along to a variety of Christmas songs before watching the movie, accompanied by a live orchestra. The children loved spotting all of the instruments being played!
Here at Orton Wistow Primary School, we recognise that success comes in all different shapes and sizes! We celebrate the children's achievements in school in the Achievements section of the newsletter and website.
Many of the children, however, are also achieving things outside of school. We would like to recognise these successes too.
It might be that your child has passed a music or dance exam, gained a karate belt, starred in a show, volunteered, taken part in a sporting event, or done something that they didn't think was possible!
If you would like to share your child's achievements with us so that we can celebrate their success, please complete the Celebrating Success form which can also be found below. Contributions will be considered for inclusion in upcoming editions of the newsletter.
We look forward to hearing about your children's extracurricular achievements!
This Week's Successes!
This child took part in performing at the Christmas show spectacular last Sunday. She and over 130 other girls ages 3 to 18, from the Peterborough performing arts school have worked really hard every Saturday since summer and delivered a high-class show on the day. They danced and sang our favourite Christmas classics. She shined at her acrobatics talent.