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Online Safety Week at OWPS

This week at OWPS, there has been a whole school focus on staying safe online, from not talking to strangers online, to not giving out any personal information. Keeping all our children safe!

On Friday 29th November, we had an online safety assembly carried out by the Online Safety Rangers from each Key Stage 2 class.

It was a highly successful half an hour. The Online Rangers were introduced wearing their new smart badges. Three children then linked the school’s PRIDE code to staying safe online. For example; P=Polite, using kind words when texting / speaking to people online.

The Year 3 ranger then showed her SMART tips poster, e.g. T=Tell, tell a trusted adult if you feel scared, worried or confused online. Year 4 rangers spoke about ‘personal information’ and what is safe to share and why. Year 6 gave a more grown speech around personal information linked to malware and Ip addresses.

Teddy had created a 6-question quiz, each question having four possible answers. As the rangers read out the questions with the possible answers, the children in the audience could point to a letter that had been put up around the hall. An interactive quiz, an interactive assembly! The children loved it! There was a buzz of excitement every time the 300 strong audience got a question right!