As a school, we have a strong anti-bullying ethos, and we currently hold the Silver Level Anti-Bullying Quality Mark. We welcome constructive feedback from parents, pupils, and staff that may help us to build more robust and reflective anti-bullying practices. Please see the anti-bullying policies (adult and child versions) at the end of this page for further details of our approach.
Please contact any of the following adults to make suggestions or raise concerns:
- Colin Marks - Headteacher
- Tom Newton - Anti-Bullying Lead
- Jackie Johnson - Learning Mentor
- Karen Hales - Governor with Anti Bullying responsibilities
Take a look at our some of our anti-bullying & PSHE work:
We believe promoting difference is the key to bullying prevention
We believe that recognising the positives nurtures and develops kindness and wellbeing in everybody
We believe that awareness of issues leads to a greater understanding of future prevention
We believe that knowing how our brain works helps us to understand our emotions and supports our ability to self regulate our behaviour choices
Further advice on anti-bullying can be found on the following websites: