Year One
Hello, and welcome to the Year One Website Page. We are looking forward to working with you and your children this year, and we hope that you will find the following information useful to support your child.
Class Teachers
Foxes - Mrs Francis (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Hayden (Thurs -Fri)
Wombats - Mrs Wyatt
Topics and Curriculum
Autumn Term
Spring Term - Kings and Queens
Summer Term
In Year One, we provide an exciting and varied curriculum to inspire and motivate inquisitive learners. For more details of the curriculum in Year One, please click here.
PE Days
Spring Term |
Wednesdays and Fridays |
Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed in the appropriate kit on these days. As the weather improves, please can you ensure your child has their water bottle in school and has had sunscreen applied.
Please make sure that long hair is tied up on PE days, and earrings, if worn, are removed.
Trips and Visits
Hunstanton Beach
Plant a Potato
In Year One, each child will have their own personalised Dojo Mascot. They can earn Dojo points by following the PRIDE code, utilising the Learning Toolkit Skills and for reading at home. The total number of Dojo points achieved by the class contributes to the marble jar treat. Homework will be sent on each week. The homework will consist of one piece of spelling and one piece of maths, in addition to regular reading at home.
Stay up-to-date with what is happening in the Elephants and Iguanas classes by following us on Twitter @OWPSfoxes and @OWPSwombats