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Special Education Needs (SEN) at OWPS

At Orton Wistow Primary School, we want all children to be happy, secure and successful.

We have a dedicated team of staff who co-ordinate support for those children who have additional and/or special educational needs and for families who may be experiencing difficulties or need advice from time to time.

We aim to communicate closely with you about the extra support your child receives in school and keep you updated on their progress. If you have any concerns, please feel free to talk to your child’s class teacher or a member of the Inclusion team. We look forward to working in partnership with you.

The Team Includes:

Mrs Linda Harries (SENDCo/Inclusion Leader) co-ordinates the provision for children in school who have additional, special educational needs and/or disabilities and liaises with outside agencies who provide specialist assessment.

Mrs Jo Simmons (Deputy SENDCo) supports Mrs Harries in co-ordinating the provision for children in school. 

Mrs Rosie Maccoll (Assistant SENDCo) supports children with OT and SALT programmes and liaises with the relevant professionals.

Mrs Faye Robinson (SEND Administrator) raises Early Help Assessments and Neurodevelopment assessments.  Faye supports the SEND Department one day per week.

Mrs Jackie Johnson (Learning Mentor) who supports children across school with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and works closely with families in need of support. Christine Tams and Hannah Wild support the children by providing pastoral care. 

Our SEND and Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Karen Hales.

If you would like more detailed information about what we offer at our school for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, please refer to our SEN Information Report below. This shows you the support we can offer your child/children in school.

You can also find our Acessibilty Policy and Plan, and our Inclusion Policy in the downloadable documents below.

If you would like more information about admissions, please visit Arrangements For The Admission Of Students With Disabilities.

Helpful Links

Peterborough Education Local Offer page.

Peterborough SEND Update- Autumn 2024

"Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child", written by parents, for parents.

Family Voice have brought together the vast range of information available to parent/ carers and consolidated it into this easy-to-read and easy-to-find booklet.

There's information from trusted websites, recommended blogs and videos, and so much more! With funding support from our local health services, plus input from parents, carers and forums, this booklet can answer all your questions.

Click this link to read the full document - Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child


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