Friday 30.06.23

Mr Marks, the Headteacher writes.....
Dear Parents and Carers
After today, there will only be twelve days of school left for the pupils before we break up for the summer holidays. It is our busiest time of year, but those days will be packed full of exciting things. As you receive this newsletter I'll probably be pestering many of you for a pound to go in the bucket at the summer fair!
Transition Week
Next week is transition week at OWPS. On Wednesday, the children will find out which class they will be in from September, and they will get to spend a couple of days in their new classroom with their teacher and classmates. On Wednesday evening we will host our transition evening event for parents. Details of the week were sent home yesterday. We look forward to seeing you in school from 6 pm on Wednesday 5th July. If you can't make the first slot at 6.00 pm, you are welcome to arrive at school at 6.30 pm for the second presentation.
Communication Survey
Thank you for all the responses that we received for the recent survey on Communications between school and parents. We are grateful for all your feedback, which will help inform parent-school communications going forward. There is overall satisfaction with how we communicate with parents, but we recognise that there are some areas to work on too.
We will be looking at communications across the whole of the Trust in the coming weeks, as well as at OWPS, to share good practices and establish a plan for how we can address the areas for improvement.
We look forward to telling you more about this next term and sharing with you our Communications Guidance document.
House Captains 2023 - 2024
Today has been voting day for our new house captains. After a whole school assembly, Key Stage Two children split into the four houses to listen to the presentations from the Year Five children choosing to put themselves forward for the role. I popped into all four rooms and listened to about ten of the twenty-seven presentations and one thing is very clear, it is going to be a tough choice for the rest of the children. Voting will begin soon, and the captains will be announced in the final Monday assembly of the year. Well done to all the Year Five children who have put themselves forward for these roles. This is a great chance to teach children about democracy and the right to have your say. It forms part of the British Values work we do in the school. The current house captains have done a wonderful job this year and set a good example to those who will be stepping up.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr. Marks
Photo by TOMOKO UJI on Unsplash