Friday 15.09.23
Mrs Fidgett, The Director of Learning, writes....
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we draw to the close of our second week back, already in school it seems as though staff and children have never been away! Routines and expectations are embedding and positive relationships (new and old) are forming in classrooms and shared spaces alike. Although busy, I always enjoy the beginning of the academic year; the fresh start and new opportunities it offers. It’s heart-warming to see our children rising to new challenges too and paving the way for a successful year.
It has been brought to our attention, again, that cars are parked illegally along Wistow Way during school pick up and drop off times. Please give serious consideration to the safety of our school and the local community when you park your car. The consequences of children stepping out into a road obscured by cars on double yellow lines and along the bus stop does not bear thinking about.
Genes for Jeans Day
We will be raising money on Friday next week (22nd) to support the thousands of families around the UK who are living with a genetic condition. We have supported the cause for many years here at Orton Wistow and hope that children will join us by wearing non uniform and denim. Biscuits from the kitchen will also be available at breaktime and we welcome a suggested donation of £1. Please note that we are a cashless school and donations are to be made electronically.
Family Learning
Whilst building our school calendar for the year, we always carefully consider how we can create meaningful opportunities for families to visit and share their child’s learning journey with us. We are looking forward to welcoming Year 6 parents for the first of our family learning sessions next week.
Our Twitter pages provide a platform for staff to share all of the wonderful teaching and learning that takes place in our classrooms. Our IT technicians have been hard at work over the summer running updates on our equipment and therefore staff may not yet have access to their usual devices. Keep following us- as tweets will soon be as regular as usual.
I wish you all an enjoyable (and much cooler!) weekend.
Mrs Fidgett
Director of Learning
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash