Friday 02.02.24
Mrs Fidgett, Director of Learning, writes....
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have made it through what feels like the 158 days of January and February is now upon us! I, for one, am looking forward to seeing the daytime gradually draw out over the next few weeks. The ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ are engrained in all of us at OWPS and I can’t wait to start spending more time outside during the school week and in my free time.
Sponsor Event
We are getting warmed up in school for our Sponsor Event ‘Bolt to Berlin’ next Wednesday. In the past, we have successfully managed to collectively run to a range of countries, and we are excited to be linking this year’s fundraiser to Euro 2024. Letters regarding the event have been sent via ParentMail and a paper copy of the sponsor form has also been handed out this week. Please make sure the copies are sent back at the start of next week so we can record your child’s individual results as they run. After the event, your child will return home with their form detailing how many individual laps they have achieved. Even a small donation can make a huge difference to the opportunities we can provide pupils in school, thank-you for your support.
Parents Evening
Our virtual Parents’ Evenings are due to take place on Tuesday and Thursday next week. A reminder to parents who have not yet signed up for an appointment on SchoolCloud that you have until Sunday evening before it will close. Teachers are looking forward to sharing your child’s progress with you.
No matter how you plan to spend your weekend, I hope it’s a happy one!
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash