Thursday 28.03.24
Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes....
Dear parents and carers,
We have reached the end of the Spring term and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of the school and wish you a very happy and restful Easter break. It has been a short and very busy eleven weeks since the Christmas holiday and the staff and children are all ready for a break before returning for the final term of the year. I like all the parts of the school year for different reasons but the Summer term could be my favourite. The weather improves, we have some great events that happen during those months and all the children will get to enjoy new topics.
A Sad Goodbye
At the end of this academic year, Miss. Strike will be leaving Orton Wistow Primary School to start a new and very exciting chapter in her life, teaching in a British International School in Cambodia for two years! This is an amazing opportunity for her and I know she is excited about what lays ahead. I also know that she is sad to leave us. Miss. Strike has been very happy at our school over the past few years and we are all going to miss her being part of the team. She is an extremely positive, friendly and fun individual who has brought a lot of joy to the students and her colleagues. We will all be wishing her the best of luck when we say goodbye in July.
Break The Rules Day 2024!
This is a very popular day at OWPS and it raises a lot of money for FOWS which allows them to support a variety of projects in school that otherwise we would not be able to afford. Thank you to everyone who supports these events and the fundraising we do for charity, it all makes a huge difference either for te pupils here or for those less fortunate.
Have a great two weeks everyone. We will see you back in school on Tuesday 16th April.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Aniket Bhattacharya on Unsplash