Friday 19.04.24
Mrs Fidgett, Director of Learning, writes....
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back- I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter break. Although the start of the term still seems to heavily feature jumpers and coats, I’m looking forward to the wealth of events and activities this Summer Term brings…warm days are hopefully on the horizon!
Playground Markings
As you may be aware from previous newsletter updates, we are working hard this year to improve the quality of playtimes for children. We recognise this part of the day is vital in children’s social and emotional development. We remain committed to supporting this by providing regular training for our MDS, creating greater opportunities for our Year 6 Sports Leaders and Peer Mentors and by considering the provision and resources available on the playground. To complement the playground zoning we put in place last term, the children were greeted by brand new playground markings this week which were completed over the holidays. There has been a great buzz of excitement as the children engage in new games with their friends and already, I can see these making a positive impact on playtime interactions.
Curriculum Newsletters
To keep you informed of the learning taking place in your child’s class, our year group curriculum newsletters will be communicated with you next week. These provide a reference point for all of the topics and subjects your child will learn about in the Summer Term if you wish to support your child further at home.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Fidgett
Director of Learning
Photo by Kasumi Sasaki on Unsplash