Friday 17.05.2024
Mrs Fidgett, The Director of Learning, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Here we are at the end of another school week and what a monumental one for our Year 6 pupils who have now completed their SATs. From the moment they entered school for breakfast to the point they put their pencils down on the last test, they have demonstrated our toolkit skills of concentration, perseverance, responsibility and resilience in bucket loads. We always strive to embed our PRIDE code to the benefit of lifelong learners and regardless of the results, every child has shown the mindset and courage which I know can lead them onto successful future paths. I hope Year 6 enjoy the celebrations at Ferry Meadows today, they are well deserved.
The children’s successes would not be possible without the huge commitment and effort from our staff to help them to reach their potential. Mrs Simmons and Mr Cowles have worked tirelessly this year to support Year 6, I hope they get chance this weekend to celebrate their successes too. Preparing and running Year 6 SATs is a huge operation and requires a Team Wistow effort; thank-you also to all the support staff, kitchen staff and staff who ran additional therapy groups for their valuable involvement.
Road Safety Workshops
On Tuesday 21st May we are looking forward to welcoming Jenny Wright, Road Safety Officer for the Local Authority, who will be running a series of workshops for all year groups. Jenny has also offered her expertise in supporting some of our young artists to produce some flyers that can be distributed and displayed in our local community. Designs will commence after half term, watch this space!
Have a great weekend- see you next week!
Mrs Fidgett
Director of Learning