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Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 14.07.23

    Published 14/07/23

    Foundation Stage have been learning about minibeasts. They have used their phonics to write a sentence. Did you know a snail has one foot?

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 07.07.23

    Published 07/07/23

    In the Penguins class this week we have been writing and drawing about our first year here at Orton Wistow Primary School. This is a piece by Zoe.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 30.06.23

    Published 30/06/23

    As part of our DT project to make bunting, the children in Iguanas have cut out their piece of bunting and have started to sew using a running stitch. It has taken a great deal of concentration, and perseverance, but just look at how well we have done. 

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 23.06.23

    Published 23/06/23

    In Geography, the Wombats have been learning about coastal features. We created some fantastic collages to show the different features we have learnt about.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 16.06.23

    Published 16/06/23

    In computing, the Cobras have been exploring presentation ideas. Molly created a wonderful fact file all about the United Kingdom

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 09.06.23

    Published 09/06/23

    In English, the Elephants have been hard at work researching all about stick insects. The next step is to write a non-chronological report about them.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 26.05.23

    Published 26/05/23

    Here in the Magpies, the children have been learning the names and properties of 2d and 3d shapes.  

    Jovena made a person and identified circle, rectangle and square and showed independent cutting skills.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 19.05.23

    Published 19/05/23

    Here in the Penguins as part of learning about the ‘Five Ways to Well-being’ Chloe chose some sentences to write.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 12.05.23

    Published 12/05/23

    The Iguanas have been concentrating on their pencil techniques in art. Look at the lovely work produced this week by Vikki, James, Lily, Eloise and Marcella.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 05.05.23

    Published 05/05/23

    This week in the Wombats class we have been finding halves of different shapes.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 28.04.23

    Published 28/04/23

    In Maths this week the Cobras have been looking at time. Erin showed wonderful independence to complete this time sheet in 15 minutes.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 10.02.23

    Published 10/02/23

    This week the Magpies had a wonderful visit to Peterborough Museum. We spent time looking at homes from the past, tried on old-fashioned clothes and even used a mangle. We enjoyed exploring the museum and loved looking at the dinosaur bones! 

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