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Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 30.09.22

    Published 30/09/22

    As part of our English work based around The Jolly Postman, The Wombats created our own story map to predict who the postman might visit in the story.

    We thought about the characters that we know from traditional tales and nursery rhymes.

    Can you work out who the Jolly Postman might be delivering his letters and parcels to?

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 and 2 08.10.21

    Published 07/10/21

    As part of our 'Communication and Language' and 'Understanding the World' part of our curriculum we have been talking about what we like to do with our families and remembering a special journey.  Teddy from the Penguins has drawn a picture of a family holiday and could write some sounds to match his pictures too.

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  • Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2 17.09.21

    Published 16/09/21

    In Year 2 we have started our topic on Explorers by learning about Amelia Earhart. We have watched videos, read and learned lots of facts. 

    This work by Arabella in the Squirrels is an example of the facts that the children have been working hard to remember.

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  • Years 1 & 2 09.07.21

    Published 08/07/21

    In Year 2, we have been planning our own adventure stories. Every child has been busy creating their own characters, plot and settings. This is an example of one of the settings - Isabel from the Squirrels is planning an Arctic adventure! 

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  • Years 1 & 2 02.07.21

    Published 01/07/21

    Year 2 have been working really hard to create textile minibeasts.  We have used sewing and embellishment techniques.

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  • Years 1 & 2 25.06.21

    Published 24/06/21

    In our science this week, Alice and Ismaeel from the Iguanas sorted a range of animals according to their diet.

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  • Years 1 & 2 18.06.21

    Published 17/06/21

    As part of our Seaside topic, Jack from the Elephants class designed a fish on Purple Mash. He used a range of textured pens and was able to vary the size of the pen. It looks FIN-tastic! 

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  • Years 1 & 2 11.06.21

    Published 10/06/21

    In Year 2, we have been designing minibeasts for an Art project. This week, we have made templates, cut out the different parts of fabric and pinned them onto a backing fabric. Next week, we are using our sewing skills to stitch it all together.

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  • Years 1 & 2 28.05.21

    Published 27/05/21

    Year 2 have continued their textiles project by designing minibeasts that they will sew using felt and a range of embellishments. Lewis from the Giraffes has designed a bee, caterpillar and ladybird, planning to use felt, sequins, buttons and embroidery.

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  • Years 1 & 2 07.05.21

    Published 06/05/21

    In Year 2 we have been exploring a storybook called The Dark. Annabelle from the Squirrels created a lovely piece of work that describes and draws what she thinks the dark would be like if it was a person.

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  • Years 1 & 2 26.03.21

    Published 25/03/21

    In Year 2 we have been learning about time. Adam from the Squirrels has shown his ability to recognise and draw o’clock, quarter-past, half-past and quarter to.

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  • Years 1 & 2 19.03.21

    Published 18/03/21

    This week, children in Year 2 have been designing and making Mug Pizzas! The brief was to design a quick and healthy snack. We learnt about the different food groups and have learnt the skills of grating and chopping. The Mug Pizzas are delicious too!

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