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Foundation Stage, Years 1 & 2

Page 6

  • Years 1 & 2 05.03.21

    Published 04/03/21

    As part of our healthy eating DT project, a child from the Elephants class created healthy breakfast frittatas using a variety of cooking and cutting skills. They look delicious! 

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  • Years 1 & 2 18.12.20

    Published 18/12/20

    As part of their Design Technology learning,  Isabella from Giraffes designed and made a space themed picture with moving mechanisms.  It has a lever, wheel and slider mechanism.

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  • Years 1 & 2 27.11.20

    Published 27/11/20

    Emma from the Squirrels has created a newspaper article about Neil Armstrong as part of our work in History.

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  • Years 1 & 2 20.11.20

    Published 19/11/20

    Millie from the Giraffes created a piece of Art in the style of Aloys Zotl as part of our work in Art.  She listened to a description of the animal, drew and painted what she thought it would look like, and then used collage to create the background.

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  • Years 1 & 2 13.11.20

    Published 13/11/20

    Varshika in Iguanas produced a Victorian nursery as part of our history topic about Toys and understanding how things have changed. 


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  • Years 1 & 2 06.11.20

    Published 05/11/20

    Autumn from the Elephants produced a fantastic piece of descriptive writing about the animals in the Rainforest for the independent writing task.

    Read more to see the full piece of work.

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