Year 1 - History of the Page Day
On Monday 24th June, Year 1 had a visit from History Off The Page, learning about the Seaside. Our day began with us learning how to bow and curtsey in a Victorian manner. We then imagined we were in a seaside town, and were helping the shop owners to prepare for the day ahead. We had the opportunity to make shell boxes, cone puppets, ducks (to play hook the duck), to design our own train tickets, role play in the café and decorate our own mugs - amongst other activities!
After lunch, we all thoroughly enjoyed a Punch and Judy show, in particular the audience participation element! We also had fun being stall holders on the pier, and spending time visiting all the stalls and spending our money.
It was a wonderful day, the children were fully engaged and absorbed by all the activities and our leader from HOTP was very impressed with the children's focus and concentration levels.
A huge thank you must go to our parent helpers - we really appreciate you giving up your time to come and support us with our day.