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Message from the Office

To ensure the smooth running of the school, for both parents and staff, we would appreciate it if you could ensure the following are adhered too...

Absence from School due to Illness

Please could you ensure that you contact the school office, each day by 9am, that your child is absent from school.

School Lunch Payments

Could we please remind you if your child is having a hot dinner, to ensure that their lunch account is in credit before sending them in for a school meal each day.


Please note that we will not be keeping any medicine in school, unless it is either a prescription or a course of treatment. You will be expected to collect the medicine once the course of treatment has ended. We understand that in certain circumstances, medicine may need to be administered on a one-off basis, so please get in touch with the office if you have any questions.

Antibiotics - we are only able to administer antibiotics at school if your child requires them 4 times a day.

Thank You

The School Office