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World Book Day-Friday 7th March

This year we will be celebrating World Book Day in school on Friday 7th March. As part of our celebrations we are inviting children to dress up as a book character for the day. Simple, budget friendly ideas can be found at Families - World Book Day along with more ideas for extending the fun at home!

We will also be having a themed menu and a number of activities in school designed to celebrate and promote a love of reading. Look out for menu updates in the newsletter.

In order to support our families who may struggle to find or create costumes, we would like to build a collection of spare costumes in school. If you have spare or outgrown costumes that are still in good condition that you would like to donate to the school, they would be gratefully received (in child and adult sizes).

Miss Tansley & Mrs Campling

Photo by Conner Baker on Unsplash