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Bike Rack Fundraising Event

On Friday 11th December 2020, we will be selling special Christmas biscuits to raise money for covered bike racks for the children.

Two parents have been in touch to tell us that the company that they work for, BGL, is happy to DOUBLE match fund any money we can generate from an event before the end of this term.

We know that parents and carers have already supported us so generously with our Sponsored Event, but we felt this was too good an opportunity for us to miss.  Every pound that we raise will be worth three! The company will match fund up to £2000 so if we raised £1000 it would be worth £3000.

For a while, we have been thinking about installing covered bike racks so that more children can become all-weather cyclists rather than fair-weather cyclists. The cost of racks is more than we can afford as a school but the generosity of BGL means that we can start saving for this project and then investigate what other Eco grants are out there that we can tap into.

Although your child may never cycle to school and you may think that they wouldn't benefit from this, the more children we can encourage to cycle, the less likely it is that cars are parked all around the school. It's a win, win.

Parents and Carers are asked to please donate in advance on Parentmail if you wish to support this fundraising event. 

The minimum donation for a biscuit will be £1 and we will give you the option of choosing other amounts up to £10. I know that this is much more than even a Wistow biscuit is worth, even if it does have glitter on (!), but I know that some of you would be happy to donate more if you knew that your donation was going to be tripled. Obviously, you can donate as little or as much as you want.

Please donate in advance on Parentmail if you would like your child to receive a biscuit. 

If you would prefer to send in a donation of your own choosing, please send this into school in an envelope labelled with your child's name, class and 'Christmas Biscuit Donation' by Wednesday 9 December.

As we will be making the biscuits to order, please do not send in money on the day.

Thank you in anticipation of your support. Again, apologies for asking for donations again and so close to Christmas but the BGL double matching offer runs out at the end of this month. If you do not feel able to support this event, we would understand completely.


Photo by Wayne Bishop on Unsplash