New Foundation Stage Virtual Parents Evening
By Ms Porter, Foundation Stage Lead
We were delighted with the response to our new parents meeting last week. Although we were unable to meet in person, over 50 parents signed into the Zoom meeting.
Mr Eardley, Mr Marks, Ms Porter and Mrs McIntosh all gave presentations explaining what school will be like for our new children.
As part of Mr Eardley's presentation, he talked about resilience and mentioned how well our existing Magpies and Penguins come into school independently.
Mr Marks talked about the positive behaviour system and how we have many opportunities to show children how well they are doing, by being awarded post cards, shining stars, house points, dojo's and honours awards.
Mrs McIntosh gave parents some top tips for getting their children ready for school and Ms Porter finished by explaining the routines for September.
All members of staff talked about the importance of parent partnerships and how we are all looking forward to meeting our new parents and children.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash